
About Us

The idea behind The BrowMaster took birth on an Investment Bankers’ sabbatical cum vacation trip to the US. The BrowMaster is the brainchild of Ashmeey Singghai who is the first and currently the only Indian International PMU Trainer to be the certified Gold Board Member at the American Academy of Micropigmentation. 

Ashmeey singhai

Ashmeey is a Computer Science Engineer with MBA in Finance and CFA (USA). Before being bitten by the Permanent Makeup bug, she worked in multinational Investment Banks for over a decade serving London office Financial Planning division. On her trip to US, She got fascinated by high-quality Permanent Makeup services that were far more natural, sophisticated and evolved techniques in comparison to anything available in India. What followed was a series of Permanent Makeup training across the world to learn everything there is to know before making it into a serious business. Today Ashmeey is amongst the Best Microblading & Permanent Makeup artist in India 5 years into this craft, BrowMaster Ashmeey is 22 times certified and has served over 8000+ national & international clients including many celebrities. Today, Students & Clients from across Asia fly in to take our amazing Courses & Services.

What distinguishes BrowMaster from other service providers is its highest world-class standards and super narrow focus. Excelling in Brows & Lips ONLY is our MISSION. Unlike most other providers who offer multiple permanent beauty services, we focus on best quality in limited services. We benchmark ourselves against the best PMU artists across the world in Miami, New York, Canada, Dubai, Singapore & Thailand so that our Indian women can enjoy international level beauty experience.

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Ashmi Singhai

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