Disguise unwanted marks on your body by Medical Skin Tone Tattooing
Regardless of how a scar mark happens, for some people they can be a reason for great discomfort. The Camouflaging technique with medical tattooing can be a great solution that can help alleviate your self-image and boost your confidence. The procedure aims to blend the mark with the healthy skin around it and thus make the scar mark less apparent to the normal eye. At The BrowMaster Permanent Makeup studio in Mumbai India, we bring you certified treatments from best of the experts & medical trainers from around the world to be completely sure about long term integrity of these treatments.
This is a specialized area of permanent cosmetic tattooing, which falls under the category of medical or paramedical tattooing. This technique can improve the appearance of scars, marks, or blemishes from accidents, burns, surgery, or congenital disorders such as cleft palate, as well as stretch marks from pregnancy or weight gain or loss, by concealing them with a custom blend of the right pigments. This process is also called skin depigmentation, corrective pigment camouflage, or skin color tattooing. Unlike traditional tattoos that are injected deeper in the dermis with specific hand motions, cosmetic tattooing is done more superficially in the upper layer of skin with different machines and hand techniques, which enables them to heal realistically, fade completely, and be redone for fresh-looking results forever.
Who can perform Scar Camouflage :
The science behind pigment formulation and ageing and the physiology of human scar skin tissues must be understood by the specialist who is performing the procedure. It also requires advanced medical tattooing skills with PMU cosmetic devices that are much gentler than regular tattooing, as the scarred skin needs specialised techniques and tools to accept the treatment. At BrowMaster Cosmetic Tattooing Studio, with over 5 years of experience as leaders in permanent makeup, we are trained and certified by international artists who hold over 20 years of experience in taking care of third-degree scars. Our pigments and machines are sourced from South Carolina, USA.
The Process of Scar Camouflage :
First, a topical numbing cream is applied to the scar or mark area to reduce skin sensitivity by about 50%. The camouflage expert then picks out a selection of pigments that are meant to shift the color of the scar. The scar marks could be lighter or darker than the normal skin tone. The professional will also check on the undertones of the body and the skin’s tendency to darken or lighten the color implanted.
Depending upon the skin’s assessment, the expert shall prepare a mix of pigment tones.
Tiny dots of the pigment mix are applied to the superficial layers of the skin with a gentle pen-like machine. The pen deposits only in the top layers of the skin, which is more superficial than tattooing. The application is less invasive and more gentle in comparison to tattoos. Depending on your sensitivity, a few more rounds of numbing ointment can be applied again while building up the desired pigment saturation.
Scar Camouflage is a Multi-Session process. The number of sessions can range from a minimum of 2 sessions to a maximum of 5 sessions, depending on the nature of the scar and the skin’s response to the procedure. The sessions should be scheduled with a 30- to 60-day gap for the skin to heal completely before the next session. Depending on the size of the scar, each session could be 45 minutes to 2 hours long.
The final, healed results look much different from when the pigment was initially implanted.
Types of scars that medical tattooing can improve :
- Scars from injury, surgery, burns, and skin
grafts: Every surgical incision leaves a scar. Breast augmentations, stomach
tucks, liposuction, a boob job, and other cosmetic procedures Scars caused by
violent crimes or self-inflicted scars Once the scar has healed completely,
usually after 18 months of surgery, we can treat it. - Stretch marks from pregnancy, weight gain or
loss, gymming, and growth spurts. A camouflage is a
much better treatment for stretch marks than lasers as lasers do not put color
back into the skin and can end up being much costlier despite the inferior
results. - Loss of natural skin color – Hypopigmentation
- Uneven Nipple Areola shape correction /
restoration - Nipple re-creation post Breast cancer
treatment: mastectomy - Birthmarks — Port Wine Stains
- Vitiligo skin tattoo camouflage
- Toe Calluses
Patch testing before the actual session :
If you have a big scar mark whose nature or category you are not sure of, or if you are unsure how your skin would respond to a camouflage tattoo, you may always opt for a patch test on a small, pea-sized area first and see how your skin responds. Two or more different combinations of pigments may be applied to different areas to check what heals closer to your true tones. A 40–80-day healing period is needed to determine if the final outcome of the test has been positive. At the time of the actual session, after the positive result of the patch test, the pigment formula or degree of application may be adjusted if the expert feels the need.
Lifespan of the Results and Maintenance :
Camouflage pigments are deposited in the top layers of the skin. As the skin recycles and sheds over time, combined with the effect of UV rays that break down the pigment further, the results are supposed to last for 2–5 years, after which you may revisit for a retouch or refresher session. Also, if the skin area of the scar has a lot of movement, e.g., the fingers, the life span reduces in comparison to non-moving areas, e.g., the back.
One can improve the results by applying sunblock and avoiding any kind of exfoliant like retinols or glycolic acids, which are usually found in general cleansers, moisturizers, and creams.

You must meet the criteria below to be a candidate for the procedure. Your scar must be:
● Relatively Flat and Smooth: The technique aims at the colour. Although some improvements in texture can be expected, it may not be very effective in hiding extremely textured, irregular, or raised skin. Scar revision treatments like laser or microneedling are advised to improve the texture before attempting colour blending via medical tattooing.
● Any other Treatments: If you are already doing any lasers, chemical peels, or other treatments that work directly on the scar, there must be a 45–60-day gap before starting the camouflage process. Do not attempt other alternative treatments in between or until 60 days after the completion of all your camouflage sessions.
● Fully Healed, Stable in Color and Form: Your scar must be at least 12 months old and stable in both form and color. If your scar shows traces of pink or red, working on such a scar may further damage the skin, and a well-trained medical tattooist will not undertake such cases.
● Without Dark Edges: Dark edges on a scar are indicative of a skin tendency towards hyperpigmentation, and working on such a skin might increase the darkness. This risk is usually more on darker skin melanin rich tones.
● The scars don’t classify as keloids, raised scars, dark-edged scars, port wine birthmarks, spider veins, freckles, age spots, under-eye circles, or hyperpigmentation. Lasers and peels are better courses of action for such conditions. A visit to a dermatologist is recommended as the first course of action to better understand the categorization of your scar or mark. A medical tattooist may not be qualified to understand the nature of a scar.
● Have realistic expectations. Scar camouflage tattoo will improve the appearance of a scar, but it won’t restore it to the way it looked before the injury. It may not erase the scar or skin irregularity or make it look perfect as before; it simply makes the scar less noticeable by reducing the color contrast in the skin.
● Other Medical Disqualifications: Anyone who is suffering from Hemophilia, Seizures, Epilepsy, Cold, Flu, has active acne, eczema, psoriasis,Keloids, Hypertrophic scars in the area to be treated, is undergoing chemotherapy, is pregnant, is breastfeeding, has heart problems, has immunodeficiency, or has consumed accutane for less than one year.
It can be mildly uncomfortable as the machine pricks through the top layer of the skin. However, with topical numbing, the skin is desensitized to some extent. It’s definitely less painful than regular art tattooing. Again, pain is subjective and depends upon the person’s sensitivity and the organs being worked upon. Soft areas of the body are easier in comparison to muscular or bony areas.
The skin may look darker and more inflamed after the procedure. The darkness can last for 2–3 weeks before it fades. You should expect it to look worse for a few weeks before it starts to look better.
You are required to let the scar area
breathe by wearing loose cotton clothes, keep the area clean and dry, and avoid
sun exposure for 7–10 days. You are also required to avoid sweating &
swimming. Most people don’t really take any time off from work after the
treatment. If you have any special occasions or travel plans over the next
week’s time, schedule your procedure mindfully.
A professional has to be conservative with the application of pigments as everyone’s skin takes them in differently; hence, the approach is not aimed at packing too much pigment in the first session itself. The coverage has to be built over 2–3 sessions. Do not have too many expectations of results from the first session itself. You can expect a noticeable difference in the first two sessions. Depending on the number of sessions advised by the practitioner for your specific scar, you have to be patient for the final results to heal and show up to 8 weeks after your final session. If you are prone to dark scars or hyper-pigmentation, it could take longer up to 4 months to reveal final results. Patience, trust, and a free flow of communication with the professional would be of great value to those who would most benefit from this treatment.
Yes, it can be removed by saline tattoo removal. Again, 3-6 sessions of removal may be needed, depending on the life and saturation of the pigments. Due to the presence of titanium dioxide in skin pigments, laser removal is not a viable option.
Procedures are done under strict sterile standards in keeping with those set by the Center for Disease Control. Most supplies used in the process are sterile and disposable.
Any time the skin is exposed, there is a potential for infection. Hence, it is extremely recommended to keep the area clean. Mild medicated soaps can be used sparingly once a day on the treated area. Also, make sure that you are always in a clean environment over the next week so that dust or sweat doesn’t catch over the worked area. Make sure you wear breathable, clean clothes and use fresh, clean fabrics for bed sheets and covers to evade any possibility of infection.
Make sure you have not taken any alternative treatments or topical applications for the scar remedy at least one month prior to your procedure. Wash the area thoroughly on the morning you visit the clinic for the procedure.
Avoid consuming any form of blood-thinning medication or food 48 hours prior to the procedure.
Blood Thinners: Painkillers, Vitamins B and E, All caffeinated beverages, Fish, flaxseed oils, curry powder, ginger, paprika, cinnamon, peppers, chillies, and onions
Upon visiting the professional, always make a full disclosure about the complete history of the scar and all treatments or topical applications you have undertaken, making sure that such disclosures are done in a written format.
Paramedic Micropigmentation is currently a very niche and upcoming field, with very few specialists across the world. It may seem simple as it looks similar to tattooing, but it requires a very different set of tattooing skills with specialised pigment brands and colour theory knowledge. Getting this treatment done by a regular tattooist who is not formally trained with experienced trainers can lead to disastrous results that can worsen an already poor situation in 1-2 years time, if not immediately. Hence, if you are serious about achieving good results, you should be willing to reach out to a specialist who is well trained and certified for paramedic micropigmentation. The cost may be much higher than at your local tattoo shop. The price will depend on the experience of the professional, the size of the scar, the time it takes for the procedure, and the number of sessions required. At BrowMaster Studio, the cost for this treatment , depending on artist, sessions, size and severity of the scar.
Yes we do! We have partnered with financing firms that provide regular easy finance options to our clients so that they don’t need to wait to get their treatment started.